To the reader just arrived at the site
led by professional reasons or for mere curiosity, welcome! For
both, though not interested in knowing more about this web space or
its contents, I say that, at the basis of personal and professional
improvement, there must always be awareness of being part of an
increasingly interdependent world and also of a social complex and
delicate background: only honest and motivated people can work in
synergy without being fooled by futureless shortcuts.
The office founded in
2009 by Ing. Felice GIANNOTTE and called GIANNOTTE ENGINEERING - Office of
Industrial Design and Consulting has, among his reasons for being, the passion
and desire to contribute in a professional way in carrying out projects under
the most varied fields of civil and industrial engineering.
Studio di
Progettazione e Consulenza
Industriale | Taranto | Engineering services Taranto | Studio di Ingegneria |
Società di ingegneria e Project management
Studio Ingegneria in
Taranto | Dott. Ing. Felice GIANNOTTE |
P. I. 02744780731
| CF GNNFLC65L19L049M |
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